I focus on hitting my pillow sober
I love this one. To land back on the pillow and give myself another hangover free morning. A morning without adding to my regret or shame. When I first stopped drinking, this was all I did, every day. It was torture, I wouldn’t recommend it as the only thing anyone does but it creates a great basic, it gets another day on the count. Lying in my bed in the morning, putting the blinkers on before I got out of it. My only job to get back to bed without a drink. To remember getting back to my pillow, to revel in the success of the day, that is the only goal. Sober mornings never get old, never.
Learning to keep my sobriety to the one day helped me learn to live in the day. Being present to every singular moment, no longer ruminating over yesterday or future tripping into tomorrow is one of the biggest gifts of sobriety. I only have the tools that I need for today, tomorrow will bring new tools so spending time there is pointless. Accepting that each day has a part to play in my life and that I need to experience it all slows life down. It makes it easier to live. Because all I have to deal with is this very thing in front of me. When I live each moment and each day honestly and truthfully, doing all the things that I need to take care of today, the future takes care of itself. Getting to my pillow sober is glorious. Knowing that I got one more day and that tomorrow I will create a new dawn with new beginnings, fresh starts.
Today is all I need to do. Today is all I can do.